Rotary Club of South DeKalb


#4145 chartered May 16, 1971.
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Decatur.
Active Membership: 19


Thursdays, 12:00 pm
Privi at Stonecrest
8020 Mall Pkwy
Parking Lot 1C
Stonecrest , GA 30038

We meet 2nd and 4th Thursday at 12:00 noon. at Privi Stonecrest, located at 8020 Mall Parkway, Parking Lot 1C, Stonecrest, Ga. 30038. The 3rd Thursday of each month is Community Service in which all club members are encouraged to attend. Due to a high demand and the schedules of members who are employed full-time, we have opted to continue to meet remotely using the hybrid concept. Members are encouraged to attend in person. Throughout the year, there may be a need to meet in a different location;The club's alternate location is Community Achievement Center at 4522 Flat Shoals Pkwy, Decatur, Ga. 30034. If there's a change, the club will be notified in advance and details placed on website.
Contact Info

PO Box 360705
Decatur, GA 30036

Leadership Team


Kevin Harper
Vice President
Darold Honore
Yolanda Dixon
Gretta Thomas
Public Image Chair
Cassandra Irons
Public Image Chair
Gretta Thomas

Club Directors

Membership Chair
Willie Anthony
Foundation Chair
Yolanda Dixon
Foundation Chair
Kevin Harper
Service Projects Chair
Cassandra Irons

Club Staff

Executive Secretary/Director
Natalie Ammons


District Governor
Gordon Owens
Assistant Governor
Cynthia Dorsey Edwards
GRSP Trustee
Cynthia Plunkett
District Governor Elect
Steve Ivory
District Governor Nominee
Cynthia Dorsey Edwards
District Governor Nominee Designate
Buck Buchanan
District Learning Facilitator
Mary Ligon
District Foundation Chair
Bob Hagan
District Membership Chair
Dave Schwickerath
District Public Image Chair
Mandy Timmons
District Treasurer
David O'Rear
Rotary Council
Lawrence Sharp (Chair)

Rotary International

Rotary President
Stephanie A. Urchick
Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair
Mark Daniel Maloney
General Secretary
John Hewko